Friday, July 15, 2016

Nutrition Guidelines

Holistic health guidelines are meant to help individuals achieve a state of balance through a healthy lifestyle. A holistic diet focuses on more than just what you eat. It also takes your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being into account.

The Objective of Holistic diet

The goal of a holistic diet is to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Many people don’t realize just how many mental and physical health conditions popular food products contribute to. With a holistic diet, you can eliminate many of the harmful food products that you ingest. This can help you prevent chronic health problems, give you more energy and improve mental focus. 
Part of keeping a holistic diet is for you to learn about the interplay between the products you eat and how they affect you. It’s about eating for sustenance and vitality, rather than for convenience or emotional satisfaction.

You Are What You Eat

The old adage “You are what you eat,” may not be as far off as you may think. The products we consume have everything to do with how we function. The food we eat gives our bodies all the ingredients it needs to function. It’s important to be mindful of what we choose to put in our bodies. Use the following recommendations as a reference for healthy eating.  
·       Drink lots of water. At least 8 glasses a day. Dehydration can inhibit proper digestion.
·       Eat organic foods when you can. Look for certified organic fruits, veggies and animal products that are certified by an accredited USDA agent. Stay away from foods that have been exposed to pesticides and other chemicals.
·       Eat locally grown produce. Food that has been produce locally is more likely to be ripe and rich in nutrients than foods that have been transported from thousands of miles away.
·       Get your dose of healthy fats. Fatty acids are an essential part of a healthy diet. Be sure to monitor your fat intake and practice moderation. For salads, try using organic cold-pressed oils for dressings.
·       If you can, grow your own food. If not visit a Farmer’s Market where you can purchase locally grown vegetables and fruits. Sometimes eating fresh food from a Farmer’s Market that isn’t certified as organic may be a better choice than organic food that has been harvested before it was ripe to make a cross country trip to the supermarket.
·       Eat raw food. The closer food is to its natural state the more nutrients it will contain. Raw cashews are much more nutritious than their salted and roasted counterparts.
·       Take multi-vitamins to supplement your diet. It can be hard to get all the nutrients you need from diet alone. Taking multi-vitamins from a trusted source can be beneficial.

Things to Avoid

There are many food products that offer little in the ways of nutrition, or they are loaded with synthetic chemicals and other products that do not agree with your body.
·       Trans Fats – Fats like hydrogenated oils created from dairy products or certain red meats are high in trans fats, which are difficult for your body to digest. 
·       Salt – Avoid ingesting too much salt. You shouldn’t have more than one teaspoon of salt per day. You may be surprised to see how many foods contain an unhealthy amount of salt.
·       Soft Drinks – Soft drinks contain a high amount of sugar and many other harmful chemicals. 
·       Additives – There are a laundry list of ingredients in many food products like artificial flavors that are not good for your body.
·       Genetically Modified Foods (GMO’s) – Most soy or corn products at major grocery store chains are genetically modified. Try and find certified organic products when shopping for tofu, soy, milk or protein powders. 

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