Saturday, January 16, 2016

Home Safety

Promotion of client safety in the home is of huge importance to Total Home Health and all of our professionals.  We often will collaborate with not only you, as the client, but also your family members, other professionals on your healthcare team and whoever else that may have an impact on any of your daily routines.  Being well prepared is the reputation Total Home Health would like to keep a hold of because we want to provide you with the safest and most effective care possible…at ALL times!

Education and prevention are key to promoting your health and safety within your home.  With every age group of individuals there are different risks and educational information that is provided to them and their families in order to be the most prepared.  In our case we will focus on safety risks and prevention measures for the older adult population.  For instance, some risk factors for falls in older adults may include:

  • Physical, cognitive, and sensory changes
  • Changes in functioning of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems
  • Impaired vision/hearing
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom at night

Total Home Health understands that with age there is obviously bound to be some sort of decline in our level of functioning, so in order to compensate while promoting your safety and independence we will find the best ways to modify your home environment in order to best cater to your needs and make your life easier.  For example, we could possibly make some the following modifications:

  • Removing any items that may cause you to trip in your home, such as throw rugs or any loose carpets.
  • More careful placement of electrical cords and extension cords, such as placing them against a wall or behind furniture instead of in the middle of the floor.
  • Our professionals will take note each visit of your gait and balance, providing interventions with aids as needed…such as a walker, cane, etc.
  • Ensuring any steps and sidewalks are in good shape by placing reflective strips on the edges or non-skid strips where needed, or constructing ramps over stairs to make it easier for you to get in and out.
  • Placement of grab bars near the toilet and in the tub/shower, also possibly recommended use of a raised toilet seat.
  • Recommended using a non-skid mat in the tub/shower.
  • Recommended Placement of a shower chair and/or a bedside commode to decrease the distance to and from the bathroom…especially in the middle of the night.
  • Ensuring all lighting is optimal, both inside your house and outside.

Another danger in the home is that of a fire.  Fire safety is something that honestly probably does not get as much hype as it should even though it is very important, because fires in the home still continue to be a major cause of death and injury for people of all ages.  Total Home Health professionals will go over the plans you have in case of a fire in your home.  We will help you refine your plans and will encourage you to put even more measures in place to be prepared, including:

  • Keeping all emergency numbers near your phones so they can be immediately found and used should an emergency occur.
  • Make sure all smoking alarms are in working order.
  • We will go over your exit plan with you in case of a fire.
  • Remind you that if oxygen tanks are used in your home that you should NOT smoke around them and you should keep all other flammable materials away from the oxygen source too…it is dangerous!

Aside from falls and fires in the home there are other, more indirect, factors that may pose additional risks to your health that you may not ever think about.  These factors may include things such as inhalation of second-hand smoke, carbon monoxide poisoning, and food poisoning.

  • Second-hand Smoke Inhalation
    • This is the unintentional inhalation of tobacco smoke that occurs when someone else around you in your household smokes.
    • Inhalation of second-hand smoke will place you at an increased risk for numerous diseases just as if you were the one smoking.
  • Carbon Monoxide
    • This is a very dangerous gas that ultimately reduces the oxygen that is supplied to the tissues in the body.
    • This process happens silently because the gas has no smell, taste and it cannot be seen.
    • Death may even occur with prolonged exposure if the individual involved is unaware, such as if they are sleeping throughout the night.
    • Carbon monoxide detectors are a must if you have an appliance in your home that may give off this gas, such as a propane furnace.
  • Food Poisoning
    • E.Coli is the major bacteria most people have heard of that causes food borne illnesses.
    • The main way to prevent this is to prepare your food in more sanitary conditions and wash your hands frequently!
    • Food should not be used past its expiration dates and fruits/vegetables should always be cleaned.

Total Home Health professionals understand that we are coming into your home and we will respect your wishes 110%.  However, our job is to ensure that we work to fix any problems we come across that would otherwise compromise your health and safety.  Promotion of your health and prevention of accidents and injuries will help you to continue to lead a happy, healthy life and remain as independent as possible…which is our goal!  Enroll with us today and see for yourself!

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