Saturday, January 16, 2016

Client Safety

When you or your loved one takes the leap and makes the decision to enroll with Total Home Health, you will begin to receive our health care services in the comforts of your own home.  You should feel at ease knowing that among our ultimate priorities is to provide for your safety and prevent injury 24-7-365…day in and day out.  There are several factors within your home that you may not have even thought of that could possibly be harmful to how you live your everyday life.  Total Home Health professionals will work diligently to ensure that your home environment and the care provided to you is the safest and most effective throughout your entire journey with us!

Each and every person is unique and set in their ways in which they have learned that work the best for them to get through their everyday lives.  Several situations and conditions could play a role in each client’s ability to protect themselves, including:

  • Age
    • Older adults and the elderly fall into this category.  With age, individuals begin to notice declines in their abilities to function and become more prone to accidental injuries.  Special precautions may need to be implemented in the home in order to ensure the environment is as safe as it can possibly be.
  • Mobility
    • How well individuals are able to be mobile and move themselves around can determine how much of a risk they are for injury or how much their safety may be compromised.  For example, those individuals who are immobile (unable to move without assistance), will most likely be at a much greater risk for development of pressure ulcers, constipation, weight loss…and the list goes on. 
  • Cognitive and Sensory Awareness
    • With age individuals may notice they are becoming more and more forgetful.  For instance, they may not notice that something is hot until it has already caused them to burn.  With a decline in this area, individuals may need reminders and/or a more structured environment developed so they know what to do next in order to complete their daily activities.  Also, individuals that fall into this category should always be allotted enough time to finish at their own pace to increase their sense of freedom and independence.
  • Emotional State
    • Emotions can greatly affect safety and may or may not increase the risk for injury to occur.  For example, if an individual is depressed, this could cause them to experience suicidal thoughts, overeat, sleep for extended periods…and more.  Every person is different in how they handle situations and conditions.  Our professionals at Total Home Health will provide you with educational information regarding ways to handle your emotions in a more positive manner.
  • Ability to Communicate
    • Communication is very important, and if individuals cannot communicate appropriately…or if who they are communicating with does not completely understand…their safety could be at risk.  In the elderly population it is especially important that if they are going to be left alone that they have some sort of back up communication if they were to fall and were unable to reach the phone.  Some elderly individuals will use life alert devices that remain on their person, such as by wearing a bracelet or a necklace, so that if an accident were to occur they could initiate an urgent medical response just by pushing a button.
  • Lifestyle and Safety Awareness
    • The lifestyle choices each individual makes may or may not have a negative effect on their safety or risk of injury.  In order to be as safe as possible, individuals should be oriented well to their surroundings and aware of what process to initiate should an accident or injury occur. 

Total Home Health and our professionals understand that each and every single person has their own ways to go about their daily life.  As the professionals come in and out of your home, one of their jobs is to be your advocate.  Being your advocate means that our professionals thrive on making your living situation the best in can be with YOUR wishes at the forefront of the care we provide for you.  We will continually encourage you to speak up and speak out about anything you feel that could make your care better…always!   The last thing we would ever want to do is to walk into your home and just start making changes without discussing your wishes first…that will NEVER happen.

During the initial visit into your home we will assess not only you and the wishes you have regarding your care, but the environment you reside in.  From that point on we will communicate any risk factors that we find that may compromise your safety with you and your family in order to come up with the best way to fix any problems as a team.  Along those lines also we will provide you with education and plans to gradually make any needed changes regarding any health conditions you have or any lifestyle choices you are making that could prove to be detrimental to your health.  Total Home Health has a wide array of programs that will fit into your life just about anywhere you may need the extra help.  Our professionals are ready to help you make positive changes in your life day after day in order to live a long, prosperous, and happy lifestyle surrounded by those you love.  Enroll today to be on your way to a brighter future!

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