Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Joint Preservation

“If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”  You’ve probably heard that before, right?  When it comes to your joint health, that statement is true.  In order to maintain function and mobility, and best preserve your joint health you should use your joints as long as you physically can.  All of us have times of discomfort and aching joints, which proves to be the time our joints are the most vulnerable.  There are several ways to go about preservation of your joints that you should take into consideration…because if you don’t, you could lose function in the affected joints completely which could greatly hinder your daily routine.

The joints of the knees and fingers are used regularly on a daily basis.  It is important to promote your own joint health in these areas so that you can remain at your best functional level to go about your daily activities without having to be assisted.  Preserving your own joints can be done completely by you, following these tips!

•    Stay In Motion.
➢    The more you move, the less stiff you will be. 
➢    Change positions often no matter if you’re working or watching television.
➢    If your job requires you to sit or stand for long periods…take breaks to move around.
•    Maintain a Healthy Weight.
➢    The size of your body can increase the strain put on your joints, especially your knees, hips and back.
➢    If you feel discomfort in your knees and you are overweight…even just a small drop in pounds could make all the difference!
➢    Fun fact…for every 1 pound you lose, 4 pounds of pressure will be taken off the knees.
•    Do Your Stretches.
➢    The more flexible you are, the better you’ll move.
➢    It is a good idea to stretch your joints daily or at least 3 times per week.
•    Exercise.
➢    For joint health, low-impact exercises are best so nothing gets thrown out of place and so you can avoid extra pain and strain.
➢    Low-impact exercises include those such as walking, bicycling and swimming.
•    Improve Your Range.
➢    Range of motion is the normal extent to which your joints can move in certain directions.
➢    To maintain and improve your range of motion you need to complete exercises frequently to avoid unwanted stiffness and inflexibility.
•    Alternative Workouts.
➢    If you have stronger abdominal and back muscles, you will have better balance making you less likely to fall or sustain injuries.
➢    Including exercises that strengthen those muscles would be smart to incorporate into your routine.
➢    Exercises to try can include yoga and pilates.

•    Know Your Limits.
➢    To avoid having overstressed joints, you should know your exercise limits. 
➢    It is normal to have some aching muscles and slight discomfort after exercise, but you do not want it to last more than 48 hours. 
➢    If it starts to hurt when you exercise give it a rest, because if you work through the pain you could end up causing damage to your joints instead.
•    Eat Fish.
➢    Consuming more fish in your diet could work to reduce any inflammation that results in joint pain.
➢    Fish such as salmon and mackerel provide a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that will help to keep your joints healthy.
➢    If you don’t like the idea of eating fish, you can simply take over-the-counter fish oil capsules by mouth so you don’t miss out on the important omega-3s.
•    Maintain Bone Strength.
➢    Make sure you consume adequate sources of calcium and vitamin D.
➢    Dairy products are the best sources to consume for your bone health, followed by green, leafy vegetables.
•    Distribute Heavy Weight.
➢    When you are out shopping, or if you have to carry heavy items at work it is always a good idea to carry bags on your arms instead of with the small joints of your hands…this lets your small joints rest, while your bigger muscles and joints support the weight.

Ultimately, your joints get used on a daily basis and the wear-and-tear can add up causing you unwanted pain and discomfort.  As you age too, it does not get any better.  Promoting and preserving your own joint health can be accomplished with the help of Total Home Health professionals in the comforts of your own home.  We will encourage you to use the advice listed above with the goal in mind to lead to less pain for you along with more time for you to enjoy your daily life.  Life is too short to miss out on what is important.  Stay active, strive to eat right, and maintain your weight to be on your way to preservation of your joints so you can be an overall healthier and happier person.

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