Thursday, March 19, 2015

Low Vision Impairment

Our senses are very important related to our well-being and how we function on a daily basis.  Vision is extremely important to how we function on a daily basis.  It can be very frustrating and even go as far as to cause depression if your vision becomes even the slight bit impaired.  As we age our vision seems to decline, we end up having to get glasses just to be able to continue to do things we like to do.  Low vision impairment, especially in the elderly is a big deal because it could result in debilitating injuries that otherwise could have been prevented with a simple eye exam. 

If you or your loved one has low vision impairment having glasses, contact lenses, taking medications, or having surgery performed may not help.  Activities you find enjoyable such as reading, shopping, writing, watching television, and driving may be more difficult to do.  The leading causes of low vision impairment and even blindness tend to be age-related diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.  To be considered low vision impairment visual acuity will measure 20/70 or poorer up to 20/160 in the better-seeing eye.  A visual acuity of 20/70 means that the person with 20/70 vision who is 20 feet from the eye chart sees what a person with 20/20 vision can see from 70 feet away.  

Of course other disorders of the eye, injuries to the eye, and even birth defects can result in vision impairment.  There are various common types of low vision such as loss of central vision, loss of peripheral vision, blurred vision, generalized haze, extreme light sensitivity, and night blindness.  Your eye doctor will determine the type of low vision impairment upon your assessment and will discuss with you treatment options.

Your provider will do their best to determine the cause(s) of your vision loss.  However, whatever the cause may be, vision that is lost cannot be restored, it can only be managed.  An impairment or loss of vision may result in having to totally reorganize your lifestyle and adapt to new ways of doing the things you love.  There are several visual aids out there that can make life easier for you such as special glasses, large print books, special phones, special remote controls, etc. 

As always with any health condition, the quicker vision impairment is observed and treated, the better your chances of keeping and maintaining what vision you have left.  A good point to remember is that visual impairment can take on many forms and exist in varying degrees unique to the person.  Some individuals may function better than others with the same condition.  When you become enrolled in Total Home Health Inc., our professional staff will be sure that you have the opportunity to schedule regular comprehensive exams to maintain your eye health.

Some signs that you or your loved one may be experiencing low vision impairment include things such as difficulty recognizing a familiar face, difficulty reading, and difficulty seeing objects that may be potentially hazardous (uneven surfaces, steps, curbs, etc.).  Each type of low vision impairment will require a different therapeutic approach for rehabilitation.  After completion of a thorough examination your provider will develop a treatment plan for you to deal with your condition to enhance what visual acuity that remains. 

Total Home Health Inc. has a program just for you if you or a loved one is affected by low vision impairment.  Our professional staff possesses keen observation skills used to assess for any visual impairment or decline in functional status with each visit.  We are eager to begin caring for you, enroll today!

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