Thursday, March 26, 2015

Medication Management

Typically at some point in our lives we are given some form of medication that we must take in order to resolve whatever condition that is compromising our health. It is important to strictly adhere to the medication regimen in order to gain the full therapeutic effects. Medication is involved greatly when treating an individual’s condition(s) and will have an impact on their life. Following a daily medication regimen can prove to cause a burden in someone’s life; from the strict directions, to remembering to take your medication each day. This is where Total Home Health will step in. Our skilled and passionate professionals will provide you with resources and tips to improve your quality of life while managing your medication.

Commonly you will find that when patients are required to follow a strict medication routine that they will require additional drug therapy at some point for their condition, whether it be for prevention, synergistic (working together), or palliative (comfort) care. Plus, with some medications such as Coumadin, the dosage will need to be titrated frequently in order to maintain a safe therapeutic level to reach its intended goal. When medications require titration, this requires tasks such as frequent lab draws in order to maintain the drug at the correct dosage. With Total Home Health you can sit back and enjoy the convenience we have to offer you. Our skilled professionals can perform your blood draws in the comfort of your home so you do not have to frequently travel, which could prove to impose extra danger and costs to you.

Polypharmacy is a word that you most likely do not hear much. This term refers to the use of four or more medications by a patient; this is generally found in patients over 65 years old. Therefore, polypharmacy is most common in the elderly which encompasses almost half of older adults that live in their own home. This issue makes it more difficult to manage medication, even more so in the home environment.

Keeping track of your medications is very important. Making sure they are properly stored and have not passed their expiration dates are crucial points to take into consideration. If a medication is not properly stored or expired, this could result in it not exerting the fullest therapeutic effects, or it could even pose adverse reactions. Plus, it can be hard for an individual to remember what each drug is for, when it should be taken, and how it should be taken; this becomes at an increased risk for those with memory problems. Total Home Health will lead you onto the right path with some simple strategies that you can implement to help you or your loved one to manage your medications.

  • Keep a list. Try to keep a list of all the medications you take. Include in this list what the medication is, when it should be taken, and how it should be taken (some medications do better with food, juice, etc.)
  • Review Your Record. During your doctor visit at regular intervals, you should review your current medication list with your provider. This will allow you to make sure your list is up to date, and it will provide them with the opportunity to let you in on any new information or instructions about any of the medications.
  • Medication Advice. Always keep your medication in its original container. Never put more than one type of medication in the same container. A good piece of advice is to use a weekly medication organizer so you can place pills in the correct spot according to the day and time that they are to be taken.
  • Medication Storage. Always make sure to ask your provider or pharmacist where the best place to store your medication is. Plus, read the label because it will usually provide you with this information too. Remember that the bathroom cabinet may not be the best place to store medication after all, because of the frequent warm and moist conditions.
  • Do Not Abruptly Stop. You should never just immediately stop taking a medication. Always check with your provider beforehand because this could pose serious health risks. Remember that you should always take the full course of antibiotic therapy to gain the full therapeutic effect, just because you feel better does not mean that you should quit taking the antibiotic.
  • Refill Accordingly. Remember to frequently check expiration dates and do not allow yourself to run out of medications. Keep in mind how many pills that remain in your bottles so that you can reorder them in enough time so that you do not run out.
  • Keep in a Safe Place. Always keep medications out of the sight and reach of children and away from pets. Remember that children do climb, so place your medication strategically. Have the poison control center number available just in case.

Keep in mind that along with the advice mentioned above that your pharmacist is a great resource to turn to if you ever have any questions at all regarding your medications. Your pharmacist will keep records of all the medications you get filled at their store, so it is a good idea to always refill at the same place if at all possible.

Ultimately, managing your medications can prove to be very stressful and even dangerous to your health if not done correctly. Allow Total Home Health to assist you in making this process as easy as we possibly can. Our main focus is you and your well-being. We are eager to begin this journey with you!

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