Sunday, May 15, 2016

6 Ways to Improve Mental Health

Stress and anxiety are part of the human condition and can be problems for people of any age. By paying attention and being proactive, it’s possible to manage these problems and bring positive results. There are many warning signs you can identify and perhaps more importantly, there are lots of proven methods to deal with stress.
Stress can have a strong negative impact on your well-being. Ignoring it or avoiding stressful activities can often make matters worse – this can lead to depression, insomnia and worsen chronic health conditions.
The good news is there are many proven methods to help you manage stress and get positive results. Many people find that learning how to deal with their stress in a positive is liberating. It can give you a sense of empowerment. Small changes in attitude and your habits can have a large impact on stress management. Following are 6 ways to improve your mental health and deal with stress.

Love Yourself

Having self-esteem and a positive view of yourself is an important part of feeling good every day and lowering your feelings of stress. Taking time out of the day to focus on yourself is key to improving your mental health.
This may sound contrived and silly but it rings true. Many times people don’t realize that their inner dialogue isn’t quite as supportive and loving as it should be. If you say things to yourself like, “Why are you so stupid!” you probably need to change your attitude.
Focus on your strengths and give yourself plenty of positive affirmations. Another good way to raise your self-worth is to find a hobby. Gaining control or mastery of a something can give you a feeling of accomplishment.
Feel good about what you do and give yourself time to do it. Gardening, painting, woodworking or any other hobby that helps you to create something can be very helpful. It gives you something to look forward to each day, while boredom can often lead to feelings of anxiousness.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of your body is an essential part of good mental health. A good diet and healthy routine is a great way to make things easier. Eating healthy supports vital brain and body functions.
Many people don’t realize the impact that diet has on a person. Processed foods and excess sugars can lead to mood swings and crashes. This makes it more difficult to keep a stable outlook, especially if you are trying to overcome feelings of depression or anxiety. Also, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can prevent age-related mental decline, which is often the cause of depression in older people. A well-balanced diet is a great way to maintain emotional stability and age gracefully.

Get Regular Exercise

Regular physical exercise is key to keep your body healthy, energy levels up and manage stress. It releases endorphins, which is the chemical produced by the brain to naturally relieve pain and lift mood. Regular exercise is a great way to get your blood pumping and overcome depression as well. If you join an exercise group or a team sport you also get the added benefit of socializing with your peers. This kind of comradery can help you feel better as well.

Find Ways to Deal With Stress

Developing the coping skills to overcome negative feelings is necessary to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Anybody at any age can develop skills to deal with anger and sadness. There are endless activities you can try including journaling, talking to a trusted friend or even just realizing that the feelings may only be temporary and will pass.
It’s true that anger or anxiety can be mitigated through physical exercise, but sometimes it may be hard to find time to go for a swim or get to the gym. If you aren’t able to take part in your usual activities, there are other many other ways to alleviate stress.
Coping skills can be applied whether your stress is temporary or chronic. Finding ways to bring balance and calmness to your life with help you battle negative feelings. Processing your feelings in a positive way is essential to good mental health.

Be Mindful

Being aware may be one of your biggest assets. Meditating, praying or any other mindful activity forces you to focus. This can bring clarity and tranquility to your life and help you come to terms with your anxiety. This is also part of determining the best strategy to deal with certain forms of stress.

Educate Yourself

Learning what causes anxiety, stress or depression can go a long way. This will help you understand your condition and give you better insight into ways you can deal with it. Reading up on unrelated topics you are interested in, like a hobby or interest, can also be a fun way to enjoy your time.
Ignoring your mental health can have an impact on your overall health. Don’t wait to get information or treatment to protect your health.
Your health care provider will work with you to determine which course of treatments suits you best. Total Home Health can connect you with experienced health care experts who are ready to help you live a long, healthy and fulfilling life. Join today to get the benefits of access to our extensive resources.

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