Sunday, May 15, 2016

Warning Signs of Unhealthy Stress

Life can throw us many unexpected surprises. We all inevitably face emotional strain from life that can lead to one thing. Stress. Stress can be helpful depending on the situation. It can be a driving force behind your productivity, but it can also be harmful to your health. Stress affects people physically and emotionally in a number of ways.
Your nervous system reacts by adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones that activate the trigger the body to have an emergency response. If you notice that your heart rate jumps up, your breath quickens and your senses sharpen, you may be experiencing symptoms of stress.  

Disorders Related to Stress

Stress can have a large impact on your overall mental and physical health. According to The American Institute of Stress, there are many emotional health conditions caused by to too much stress, including:
·       High Blood Pressure
·       Anxiety
·       Heart Attack
·       Weak Immune System
·       Depression
·       Stroke
Our health is at a greater risk when we experience extreme feelings of stress. Your risks for heart problems go way up and there are a number of other problems. Your sleeping patterns, gastrointestinal system, and brain function are also affected.

Knowing When to Treat Stress

It’s not hard to spot the warning signs of being overstressed. Before you become too stressed out about being stressed out, don’t worry. The good news is that you there are plenty of ways to reduce your stress level and lower your risks of developing health-related stress disorders.
If you listen to your body, you can spot a few telltale signs that will let you know it’s time to take action. If you don’t address the situation when you spot the warning signs early on, you may worsen your condition and end up having a nervous breakdown.
When you notice that stress is building up, or you feel like you are becoming overburdened, look out for the warning signs below. This is how your body is signaling that something is wrong and needs attention.

Common Warning Signs of Stress

If you are experiencing pervasive symptoms of anxiety take notice of how your body is reacting. Some people do not realize that they are experiencing symptoms of extreme stress right away. If you can identify some of the warning signs early on, you will have a better shot at managing your stress it affects your health.
If you do notice that you are having mood swings, a stiff muscles or trouble focusing, your body may be telling you that you are too stressed. Often times we are stressed before a performance like a presentation at work or public speaking in front of a large audience. Sometimes it can be an everyday activity that stresses us out, like going to the store. Everyone has a different threshold level for the amount of stress they can manage. By learning how you deal with stressful situations, you can better manage it. This can help you stay healthy and reduce the risk of stress-related health problems. 
Following are a few red flags to watch out for:
Fatigue – Sleep hygiene is affected negatively by stress. Because you are having trouble getting adequate sleep or sleeping in general, you may feel more tired throughout the day.
Frequent Headaches – This can be due to tightness of the muscles in the neck and back.
Nervous Habits – Habits like nail biting, grinding teeth, scratching and nervous ticks can be a sign of stress.
Dry Mouth – Mild dehydration can make it difficult to swallow.
Chest Pains – Your heartbeat may elevate and cause sharp pains.
Upset Stomach – You may feel queasy and have a stomach pains, regardless of you what you did or didn’t eat.
Trouble Sleeping – Insomnia, restlessness and even sleeping too much can result from too much stress.
Fatigue – Because you are having trouble sleeping, you may be more tired during the day.
Extreme Dietary Changes – Loss of appetite is common. Overeating to cope with your feelings can also be caused by stress.
Shaking – Watch out for tremors or shaking. Your hands, jaw and face might tremble causing your voice to shake at times.
Dizziness – Pervasive stress can cause you to feel faint or light-headed.
Sweating – Sweaty palms, or excessive sweating is common.
Weakened Immune System – You may get sick more often or have a harder time recovering from colds.
Irritability – If you notice you are snapping at people, lose your temper more often or break down emotionally over the slightest of setbacks, you may be on the brink of being overwhelmed.
Watch out for these warning signs so you can mitigate stress and be healthy. Don’t wait if you suspect you may need treatment. Your health care provider will work with you to determine which course of treatments suits you best. Total Home Health can connect you with experienced health care experts who are ready to help you live a long, healthy and fulfilling life. Join us today to benefit from our extensive health care resources. 

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