Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Obesity is a disorder that involves excessive amounts of body fat that over time proves to increase the risk of health problems in the individual that is affected.  Obesity differs from being overweight, which simply means you just weigh too much.  If you’re overweight, the extra pounds could just be coming from muscle, bone, fat and/or water within your body.  Either way, if you’re overweight or obese…it means that your weight is greater than what is considered to be normal and healthy for your body type and characteristics. 

Obesity occurs with time when you begin to consecutively consume more calories than you use on a daily basis.  The number of recommended calories that a person should consume daily depends solely on the characteristics and lifestyle habits of the person involved.  Total Home Health understands that most of us love to eat, but more often than not we neglect to watch our diet habits.  By taking the simple step to watch what you eat, you could stop potential health problems before they start.  Here are some factors that may affect your weight:

-  Genetics
-  Eating habits (overeating)
-  Eating high-fat foods
-  Lack of exercise

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number your health provider can calculate and use to determine how healthy your weight is in relation to your body type.  For adults, your BMI is basically a measure of your body fat in relation to your height, weight and gender.  Let us explain both the categories and the calculation formula…and then you should be able to calculate your own BMI and what category you fall into. 

BMI Categories

Underweight = less than 18.5
Normal weight = 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight = 25 – 29.9
Obese (Class I) = 30.0 – 34.9
Obese (Class II) = 35.0 – 39.9
Extreme obesity (Class III) = 40.0 and above

To calculate your BMI using pounds and inches use this formula as follows:
weight (lb) / [height (in)2] x 703

This BMI calculation formula above gets to your result by dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared, then multiplying by a conversion factor of 703.  It looks confusing we know…but the following example will hopefully make it very clear so you can be on your way to figuring out the BMI of yourself and your loved ones too!

Let’s say your weight is 150 lbs and you are 5’5”, or 65” tall.  This would be your BMI calculation.         
                        Calculation: [150 / (65)2] x 703 = 24.96

Not too bad, right?  The example provided us with a BMI result of 24.96, this result is at the very far end of the normal weight BMI category.  Health professionals at Total Home Health would work to encourage this individual to maintain their weight at this point or work to lose a few pounds in order to stay in the normal weight category and lessen their chances of health problems now and in the future. 

Being obese greatly increases the risk you or your loved one has of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some types of cancer.  A majority of the time obesity is something that you can control without medication and invasive medical procedures.  Taking time to watch what you eat and possibly getting a little more exercise worked into your day could mean all the difference in your weight and making you feel better at the same time!  If you are struggling with obesity, here are some signs and symptoms you may experience and some point or another:

  Pain in your back &/or joints
-ΓΌ  Excoriated skin folds
-  Insomnia or sleep apnea
-  Depression
 - Fatigue
-  Decreased self-esteem

Total Home Health has a program that is right for you related to any weight issues that you or your loved one may encounter.  Our passionate and skilled health professionals will work with you to create a diet and exercise plan that you can easily incorporate into your daily life while still being able to do the things you enjoy.  Even if you put forth just a little effort in watching your calories and trying to be more active…the loss of a few pounds could have a great impact on your health in the future.  Total Home Health knows family ranks #1 at the end of the day and we want you to live a long, healthy life.  Enroll today and let’s get started toward a healthier future for you and the ones you love!

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